Don’t fall into your usual trap of buying games for the kids, a tie and socks for dad or a box of candy for a friend. Stop by our store for a unique gift for family, friends, or co-workers.
Check out our specials below!

Option 1: Give a friend or family member a discover scuba session with one of our instructors in our heated pool for $35. If they like it, that $35 will be applied to the cost of a beginning Scuba class.
Option 2: Buy them a scuba class and get $25 off the cost of a class.
Option 3: Refer a friend to sign up for a scuba class, and if they sign up, receive a $50 gift card toward merchandise you can give away or keep as a gift to yourself.

Option 1: Buy mask, fins and snorkel and receive a free snorkel bag
Option 2: Carry on bag for your regulator (to ensure you get it to your dive destination in case your luggage is lost). $99.50 (Regularly $199)

Get Ready For Spring Vacation
Buy a certificate for 2-hour pool rental during January for only $25. (Normally $45)